Nature | Landscape Galite Islands

Nature | Island Galite Islands

The Galite Islands are a rocky group of islands of volcanic origin, northern Tunisia.

Besides the main island La Galite, there are two groups of islets or rocks, which are all inaccessible.

The Galitons de l'Ouest, or West Galitons, are 3 km southwest of the main island. They consist of the second largest and third largest islands of the Galite Islands.

On the peak of Le Galiton is a lighthouse, 14m high. In 1980, the Ministry of Agriculture declared Le Galiton a natural reserve, to protect the Mediterranean monk seals.

The smaller Galitons de l'Est, or East Galitons, also called Les Chiens or The Dogs, are at a distance between 1 and 2 km northeast of the main island. This group consists of three rocks, which are, from north to south, Gallo, Pollastro and Gallina (meaning "rooster", "chicken" and "hen" in Italian). Gallo is the largest of the three and is 119 m high.


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